Tom Zahner

Sprecher in Muttersprache Englisch/US-Amerikanisch
Stimmalter 35-45 Stimmlage tief
Verfügbare Technik APTX, Music-Taxi

Aktivität bei Voicebase

0% Aktivität
6 Jahre seit letztem Login

Ausbildung als Sprecher / Sprecherin

Webber douglas Academy of Dramatic Art, London

Referenzen als Sprecher / Sprecherin

Porsche, Lufthansa, Adidas, Mercedes, Thyssen Krupp, Deutsche Bank, Allianz, and many more

Sonstige Infos

A high-end recording artist serving premium businesses and productions for over 20 years. Whether first-class sports cars for discerning connoisseurs who respond to proud understatement or for passengers of some of the world's best airlines who require top service, reassurance and guidance, Tom Zahner's voice lends quality to any recording.
Deep and forceful, soft and graceful, weighty and persuasive his acting background enables him to grasp the essence of your message and let it hit home with your customers.
His versatility has been made use of for complex Industrial films where the difficult subject matter needs to be brought across in an easily understood manner as well as for children's films that need an endearing but never placative style

Different voices Compu game

Computerspiel Englisch

Movie Trailer

Doku/Beitrag/Feature Englisch/US-Amerikanisch

Image Film

Imagefilm Englisch

Smart Commercial

Werbespot Englisch

Film Trailer

Werbespot Englisch/US-Amerikanisch