Bernard Schaer

Sprecher in Palma de Mallorca Muttersprache Deutsch, Englisch/US-Amerikanisch
Stimmalter 35-45, 45-60, > 60 Stimmlage tief
Verfügbare Technik Eigenes Studio

Aktivität bei Voicebase

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1 Jahr seit letztem Login

Ausbildung als Sprecher / Sprecherin

Voice Training:

David Goldberg/Joan Franzino - Edge Studio, New York
Charles Michel - The Winning Voice, New York
Susan Berkley - The Great Voice Company, New Jersey
Wren Ross, Boston, Massachusetts
Tom Richards, Wilmington, Delaware
Andreas Sparberg, Berlin
Bob Corff, Los Angeles, California
Nancy Wolfson / Jeff Freeman, Los Angeles, California
Susanne Haeberlein, Köln

Stimmbildung (laufend): Joe Cooney - New Mexico Highlands University

Referenzen als Sprecher / Sprecherin

American Express - Deutsch
Bayer CropScience - English
BayWa Baustoffe - Deutsch
Dell - Deutsch
Deutsche Telekom - English
DOW Industries - Deutsch
Henkel EMEA & CEE - Deutsch
HILTI - Deutsch
Japan Tobacco International – Deutsch/English
Microsoft Office Live Team - Deutsch
Phoenix Contact – English
SAP - German
Siemens/GSI - Deutsch
Tetra Pak – Deutsch
Tyco Electronics - English
und andere

Sonstige Infos

Empfehlungen habe ich u.a. erhalten von:

kubusmedien, Ravensburg, Germany
"Für uns und unseren Kunden war und ist Herr Schaer die erste Wahl. Zu der es beispielsweise auch bei der Neuauflage der BayWa Baustoff-Kampagne keine Alternative gab."
- Philipp Böhler

Glenwood Sound, Baltimore, MD, USA
“I have had the pleasure of working with Bernard on a number of German voiceover projects for companies such as Fujitsu, Hilti, Grundfos, and Flowserve. He delivers project on time and the quality is excellent.”
- Michael Collins

Boffin Language Group, Shenzhen, China
“It's been such a delight to work with Bernard. His work is simply perfect! He offers more than just recording - the revisions he made to the script makes it easier for the audience to follow the conversation. The recording is very clear and easy to understand - He speaks reasonably slowly, and follow perfectly the intonation hints. Very well done!”
- Wang Bowen

Voice Talent Productions, Medford, NY, USA
“Bernard is a superb voiceover talent on the Voice Talent Productions roster and a preferred voice, especially for foreign clients. He consistently proves himself to be an asset to the company with his fantastic delivery and professional demeanor. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone looking for professional caliber voice talent.”
- Erik Sheppard

MindBuilder Group, Inc., Long Grove, IL, USA
“Bernard did excellent work for us when we had a course translated into German and needed a voiceover talent to read the course. Our German counterparts were very happy with the results.”
- Mark Challenger

Precision eLearning, Panama City, Panama
“Bernard always comes through for me, on-time and at a high quality. I appreciate his professionalism and will continue to use him as much as possible.”
- Greg Davis

Sachtext, ImageVideo Deutsch

Industriefilm Deutsch

Imagefilm Deutsch

Imagefilm Deutsch

Werbung, Mix - Deutsch

Werbespot Deutsch

Hotelspot - Deutsch

Imagefilm Deutsch

Sachtext Mix - Deutsch

Schulung/E-Learning Deutsch

Imagefilm Sulo - English

Imagefilm Deutsch

Business Theater Narration - English

Moderation Englisch

Computer Spiel - Trickstimme - Deutsch

Computerspiel Deutsch


Neumann TLM 103, Rode NTG 3 RME Babyface Pro Mac mini M1 Source-Connect Standard ID: buymyvoice


StudioBricks ONE (Mallorca) GiK acoustics ausgestattet Studio (Deutschland)

